Demo Update - 0.4.4 (Saving)

happy new year! i was originally aiming to get this out a few weeks ago but i just kept adding on and on to it and im just gonna release this now before i make any more drastic changes that would delay this update further.


  • added main menu
  • added saving (with multiple save slots and per-save death penalty setting)
    • autosaves when closing the game or quitting to menu while in the hub map and when entering the tower (pretty much identical saving mechanics to oasis)
    • currently has 3 save slots, may add more in the future if necessary
  • added a kiosk to hub map that will remove all non-static unique upgrades (so you can reroll and find new ones, there are 6 total currently and you can only have 4 at a time) 
  • if you do this while the cycle is running, new uniques will not spawn until the current cycle has finished
  • new light weapon: flare shotpistol (featured in thumbnail and at the top of this post!)
  • slightly updated basic pistol model (added barrel interior to replace the square hole)
  • remade the basic servant enemy scene with a new model using the original rigging i did instead of mixamo's autorig
    • fixes the 2 issues with this enemy, where the ragdoll goes crazy and it sometimes running backwards at the player (afaik, i cant get it to do it again so im guessing its fixed lol)
  • added 4th unique upgrade spawn to a new room after the floor 2 boss (down the elevator shaft)
    • current plan in the full game is for the player to have 4 uniques at a time, one found in the inner part of the first 4 floors, added this now so there is an actual spawn location for the 2nd floor for this
    • will probably in a future version remove the other 2 maps from having spawns
  • added the ability to switch weapons while reloading, which will cancel it and revert it to the current mag before starting the reload


  • max hp upgrade now adds to current hp when given
  • increased the temporary cycle time given by picking up the floor 2 keycard from 45 seconds to 90, but it will no longer give any time if floor 2 has already been unlocked (future floor keycards and other one time use items will also work this way)
  • minor vitality rework:
    • slow vitality drain in hub by 80%
    • if below 15 vitality in the hub map, will slowly regain until back up to 15 (speed affected by heal multiplier)
  • slightly slowed spread recovery on shorty shotgun
  • fixed awkward movement by respawn beds by just covering it with clip brush
  • the "end of demo content" flag is no longer talking to the npc at the end, its now opening the shortcut after going down the elevator shaft
  • ai will now ignore the player if they wander within aggro range while theyre in dialogue (they will become immediately hostile if theyre still in range after its over though)
  • the timer for the cycle now pauses if the player is in dialogue (does not stop the reset sequence that happens once the timer has elapsed)
  • made the cycle reset audio 3 db louder (the ambience here is somewhat temporary and will be replaced with new audio at some point)
  • enemy ragdoll/death timer doesnt run when game is paused
  • enemy (servants only for now) ragdolls now have force applied by the killing bullet (as opposed to just slumping)
  • drone ragdoll no longer snaps to its default pose when activating


next up will be getting the steam page up (aiming for early feb at the latest, but we'll see). i'll post about it here when its up but would recommend subbing to my youtube channel if you frequent that site if you're interested, as ill post a little trailer there when its up too

as i mentioned at the top of this post, this update was originally just going to include the saving system/main menu and pretty much nothing else, but ive just been adding onto it over and over again over the past month+ until i finally decided to just release it (since otherwise it never would lol)

the trailer that i'll upload when the steam page is up will feature some replaced environment assets that im planning to add soon, but the demo will probably not be updated until the june nextfest since i plan to enter that (provided no game breaking bugs get found at least)

that's about it for now, hope you enjoy exploring the tower!

Files 77 MB
Version 0.4.4 50 days ago 72 MB
Version 0.4.4 50 days ago

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