Update 3

Update 3, the Hacking Update, features multiple new mechanics, a new layer to the combat, and a new character build path! Also, as mentioned last week, with this update the game is now $5.



The main focus of this update, this involves a new weapon type, enemy debuffs, and a new way to make money or influence your next mission.


Added a new weapon type: Cyberdecks. These are customizable portable devices primarily used for hacking. Often combined with an AR Hack HUD cyberware, which visualizes hacking in the world, firing payloads as projectiles at their targets and visualizing virtual defenses, which will fire the same payloads back at you. Cyberdecks, their mods, and the programs that are used by them can be bought in the new shop in the underground mall: Hack!! This shop can be found across from the cybernetic clinic.

It's on the left here.

Enemy Effects

Enemies can now have effects applied to them. Currently only done via cyberdeck hacking, each enemy is only vulnerable to certain effects, which are seen using the AR Hack HUD. These effects can range from a short damage over time burn effect to blinding them and more. 


Laptops in missions have the chance to have useful information on them, known as exports. Once breaching into the system, via cyberdecks or other means, you have a limited amount of time to extract as many exports as possible. Once you make it out of the mission alive, those exports are now safe and you can do two things with them:

1. Sell them on the auction house in Hack!!, where you will get payment after some time.

2. If one has a mutator, you can select it for use with the next mission at the mission laptop, which will change the mission in different ways, such as causing an item type to spawn more often or delaying reinforcements.

Big clickbait red circle to show where the Auction House laptop is.


The last major feature this update contains is a new super rare weapon rarity: Prototypes. These can be found in locked containers that spawn very rarely in missions. Exports can rarely contain a mutator that guarantees one will spawn in the next mission. These containers can only be opened with the associated keycard, attainable only through exports with a mutator that will spawn said card. After using the card to unlock the container, the weapon can be retrieved from the container. Only one weapon of this type currently exists, a pistol, but more will be added in the future.

Other Changes

All these hacking features aren't the only things in this update!

Ammo Rebalance

~Ammo prices in the shop have been rebalanced a bit. Buying the equivalent amount of ammo as mags is now a bit more expensive than just buying an ammo box. Ammo box prices were also increased in general by about 200 each.


+Added new variants of level parts to office, and a new construction site variant
~Fixed the major source of lag in one of the local office scenes
~Fixed issue with soundscape triggers not switching soundscapes
~Theoretically increased the chance for laptops to spawn across the board, especially in areas that were generated small

Miscellaneous Changes

~Fixed a major issue with rain spawning, should no longer cause major lag when rain happens in a mission scene
~Adjusted the first rep level up mission (the one with Takana) to have a generally lower enemy count, should cause this obj on higher difficulties to be slightly easier
~Some master skills are now cheaper, more in line with the weapon specialization masters
~Finally updated the quick mode loadout - You'll now spawn with about what you'd have if you skip the intro in main mode, just with a PM instead of 1911, the ammo box also starts already opened now (fun fact the loadout was last updated over a year ago, before backpacks were even implemented)

Hope you enjoy this update, as always keep an eye on the Trello for up to date update information.


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Version 68 Jul 29, 2022

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